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Who we are

TARC is structured as a consortium of legal and policy professionals within the academic, legal practice as well as private practice sectors. The consortium at the forefront of building capacity in legal and policy research and training within the African continent, informing legal and policy debates, as well as responding to emerging policy priorities. The institution boasts of some of the most sought-after legal practitioners, academicians as well as experts in legal and policy research within the Republic of Kenya in specific and Africa in general.

The institution seeks to create a cadre of legal and policy researchers and practitioners who are able to contribute to policy analysis in Africa and capable of training future legal and policy researchers. Our professional undertaking is premised on the fact that our highly motivated, experienced and exceptionally qualified team has the capacity, resources and technical-know-how to provide timely, tangible and exceptional results.

In addition, the institution adopts a multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral approach to creative problem solving and unique long-range perspectives that puts the institution at a vantage point with results the undertaking of legal and policy undertakings. The institution’s ability to integrate multiple frames within its working structure, up to and including its capacity to collaborate with other professionals to ensure that our services are well rounded in respect of all material considerations enables the organization to be able to undertake complex and multi-faceted assignments and deliver accordingly.


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